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Ford F-550 Super Duty Trailer Brake Controller Installation And Review Videos


Best 2015 Ford F-550 Super Duty Brake Controller Options- Video

Best 2015 Ford F-550 Super Duty Brake Controller Options

Speaker 1: 'Cause we're going to be taking a look at the best braking controllers available for the 2015 Ford F-253, 350 and 450 Super Duty's, also the F-350, 450, and 550 cab chassis models.Now all the brake controllers that we're going to look at today are proportional controllers. It's a new technology available, and it really is just a lot better than what the time delayed systems use to be. Basically, what the time delayed system, it was pre-programed when your brakes would engage. So you it the brake in your vehicle, there might be a pause before the brakes on your trailer actually engage. With the proportional controller, we don't have to worry about that. If we hit our brakes on our truck, our brakes are going to start being applied, and they're going to be applied in proportion to how we're braking in our truck. more

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7/13/2018 8:22:34 AM

Best 2014 Ford F-550 Super Duty Brake Controller Options- Video

Best 2014 Ford F-550 Super Duty Brake Controller Options

Speaker 1: Today, we're going to be taking a look at the best brake controllers available for the 2014 Ford F-250, 350, and 450, and the F-350, 450, and 550 cabin chassis models.Now, all the brake controllers that we're going to look at today are proportional controllers. It's a newer technology available, and it really is just a lot better than what the time delayed systems used to be.Basically, with the time delayed system, it was preprogrammed when your brakes would engage. So you hit the brake in your vehicle, there might be a pause before the brakes on your trailer actually engage. With the proportional controller, we don't have to worry about that. If we hit our brakes on our truck, our brakes are going to start being applied, and they're going to be applied in proportion to how we're braking in our truck. So when we hit the brakes hard, they're going to apply the brakes more heavily. more

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7/13/2018 8:02:33 AM
